
Storage service means the placement of natural gas into the Inčukalns Underground Gas storage facility, storing and also and withdrawal from it. The storage services are sold in capacity units (kWh) in accordance with the total storage capacity in the respective annual storage cycle.

To receive storage services, a natural gas trader must conclude:

  1. Storage Service Agreement
  2. Transmission Agreement
  3. Balancing Agreement
  4. Agreement on recognition of electronically signed documents (if it’s necessary)*

In order to conclude an agreement with Conexus, an application for obtaining Inčukalns UGS usage rights must be filled-up, electronically signed* and sent to (or, it shall be sent to Stigu street 14, Riga, Latvia, LV-1021 if signed on paper). The applicant shall append the following to the application:

  • a document attesting that the applicant has registered its commercial activity in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant country (more information HERE);
  • a document attesting representation if the application is submitted by a representative authorised by the applicant;
  • a document attesting that an insolvency procedure of the applicant has not been announced, the economic activity of the applicant is not suspended or the applicant is not liquidated, and issued not later than one month prior to the day of submitting the application;
  • an annual report regarding the last three years (or the actual time of operation, taking into account the time when the applicant was established or the operation was commenced regarding which the annual report has to be submitted) or another equivalent document attesting the economic and financial situation of the applicant in accordance with the laws and regulations of the relevant country;
  • information on the identification code assigned to the applicant in accordance with the Energy Identification Code scheme.

* In case an electronic signature does not comply with the recognized electronic signature formats in Latvia, an agreement on the recognition of electronic signatures must be concluded. The electronic signature formats recognized in Latvia, Estonia, and Lithuania:

  • .edoc
  • .asice
  • .adoc

Electronic signatures can be validated HERE.

After conclusion of contracts, the user is required to fill out and send a user contact information form to, to receive access to the Common zone platform for systematic and centralized information exchange between natural gas market participants and operators in the Estonian-Latvian unified balancing zone (more information about Common zone platform available here).

During validity period of the storage service agreement, the system user shall ensure fulfilment of liabilities by using an appropriate credit rating or security for the fulfilment of liabilities of the system user in accordance with Section X of the Regulations Regarding the Use of Inčukalns Underground Gas Storage Facility.





For questions, please contact us electronically at