Public consultation

 Joint stock company (JSC) "Conexus Baltic Grid" launches public consultation on draft auction regulations on ensuring availability of natural gas at the transmission system interconnection with the storage in 2018 – 2019.
In accordance with Regulation (EC) No 715/2009 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 13 July 2009 on conditions for access to the natural gas transmission networks and repealing Regulation (EC) No 1775/2005, network codes and the requirements laid down in the Energy law, in order to safeguard the ability for the JSC "Conexus Baltic Grid" to fulfil the duties entrusted for the winter season of 2017-2018, JSC "Conexus Baltic Grid" held an auction in the July of 2017 on ensuring availability of natural gas at the transmission system interconnection with the storage (hereinafter - IUGS). With the involvement of the market participants the aim of the auction was to ensure adequate amount of natural gas in IUGS for the winter months, when historically there is the highest demand for the natural gas. As a result, such amount of natural gas would allow to guarantee adequate entry capacity at the transmission system interconnection with IUGS. In order to achieve the previously described measure, conditions on the guarantee obligations and the terms of obligations were included in the auction regulations. Taking into account the experience in organizing the auction for 2017, it is planned also to organize the auction on ensuring availability of natural gas at the transmission system interconnection with IUGS also in the season of 2018-2019.
In order to ensure the sustainability and integrity of the transmission system, JSC "Conexus Baltic Grid" as a combined operator of the transmission system and underground gas storage, has chosen the most technically and economically justified solution for ensuring the required technical entry capacity at the transmission system interconnection with IUGS during the forthcoming heating season. The solution entails organizing a public market-based procedure resulting in contractual agreements with the market participants and the transmission system operator on ensuring availability of natural gas at the transmission system interconnection with the IUGS, by injecting the required volume of natural gas into and storing it in the IUGS within the timeframe set by the transmission system operator. The market participants which will be awarded a contract shall be entitled to remuneration set according to the principles foreseen in the auction regulations.
Public consultation on the document will take place from Febuary 9, 2018 till February 23, 2018. Comments shall be submitted electronically to the following e-mail address: or in paper form to the following address: A. Briāna street 6, Riga, LV 1001, Latvia.
Public consultation document in English is available HERE.