Urgent Market Messages (UMM)

From January 1, 2021, to December 27, 2023, Conexus Baltic Grid AS published Urgent Market Messages (UMMs) on GET Baltic's inside information platform. The archive of these publications is accessible HERE.

Starting from December 27, 2023, Baltic-Finnish region gas transmission system operators commenced the collective publication of UMMs on the ENTSOG UMM platform, accessible HERE.

UMM messages published until 1st January 2021

Message id: 20122321X000000001379R008_001
UMM type GAS
Publication date
2020-12-23 17:22:49
Event status Active
Start date
2021-08-06 04:00
End date
2021-10-15 04:00
Remarks Gas transmission pipeline Izborsk – Incukalns repair works.
Market participant AS Conexus Baltic Grid
Market participant EIC 21X000000001379R
Event type Transmission system unavailability
Unavailability type Planned
Balancing zone (EIC) 21Y0000000001359
Affected asset Luhamaa
Affected asset EIC code 38ZEEG-0007107-I
Direction Entry
Unavailable capacity 10 500 000 kwh/d
Available capacity 168 000 000 kwh/d
Technical capacity 178 500 000 kwh/d

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