FCMC approves Conexus bond base prospectus

On 01.11.2022 the Supervisory Board of the Financial and Capital Market Commission (FCMC) approved the base prospectus of the joint stock company Conexus Baltic Grid (Conexus) for up to 800 bonds to be included in the Baltic debt securities list of the joint stock company Nasdaq Riga.

The base prospectus includes the issuance of debt securities with a total value of up to EUR 80 million. The nominal value of each bond is EUR 100 000. The size, price, maturity and terms of the offer will be set out in the final terms of each issue.

The Conexus Base Prospectus provides that the bonds will only be offered to qualified investors and will not be offered to retail investors.

The bonds will be listed on the Baltic debt securities list of Nasdaq Riga after the initial placement (private placement) of each issue.

Conexus' base prospectus is available HERE.
