Incukalns underground gas storage prepared for injection during withdrawal season

In order to stimulate natural gas security of supply, JSC Conexus Baltic Grid has carried out technological preparations to ensure the availability of natural gas injection capacity for Incukalns Underground Gas Storage (Incukalns UGS) for system users also during the withdrawal season.

Usually, injection of natural gas by system users into Incukalns PGK starts after the end of the withdrawal season. However, taking into account the need to stimulate security of supply, the Incukalns UGS is prepared for injection also during the withdrawal season, i.e., at the same time as the withdrawal capacity is available for the withdrawal of system users' natural gas from the Incukalns UGS.

By the end of the withdrawal season Incukalns UGS will be able to inject 50 GWh per day.

2022.09.29 16:23:25